My loved one has an opiate addiction.
What do I do?


  • LEARN the symptoms of overdose HERE
  • GET a Narcan overdose kit HERE
  • UNDERSTAND that addiction is a family disease. GET SUPPORT & EDUCATION FOR YOURSELF. This disease is life-threatening. It is critical that you get correct information about how to care for your loved one just as you would with any other disease
  • UNDERSTAND that there is a disease process at work & the addict CANNOT JUST STOP USING. Addiction will not respond to logic or emotional pleas
  • UNDERSTAND that you did not cause this, you cannot control it and you cannot cure it.
  • LEARN what enabling means and stop doing it
  • UNDERSTAND that addicts do not want to be this way. AVOID STIGMA AND OFFER LOVE AND SUPPORT FOR RECOVERY. Do not add to their burden of guilt and shame as that can fuel their need to use
  • UNDERSTAND that the addict is NOT DOING THIS TO YOU. The unacceptable behavior is not personal – it is a symptom of the disease
  • REPORT ANYTHING you know about drug activity to the Stark County Sheriff’s Office ANONYMOUS TIP LINE 330-430-3697 or ONLINE HERE.  Many Stark County police departments also have anonymous crime reporting links on their respective websites.
  • REDUCE access and street crime by getting rid of unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications at free safe drop box locations. VIEW LOCATIONS HERE
  • KNOW what to do in an overdose situation HERE

This site is a public service funded by the
F.A.T.H.E.R.S. Motorcycle Poker Run